We all have a powerful story. Here is Mike’s.

Mike was listening to an artist talk, as he often does, when he had a revelation. Something was missing, and the disinterested faces of the art collectors around him confirmed it. The artists just weren’t connecting with the potential buyers in the audience.

Drawing from decades of corporate art sales and presentation skills workshop expertise, Mike empowers artists to connect with buyers using the most effective tool of all: their own story. His signature program, The Fine Art of Storytelling, combines humor, proven methodology and a passion for individual development to transform the presentation skills of artists and gallery sales representatives.

As an artist representative for many years, Mike O’Connor is no stranger to the challenges of having others see artwork the same way you do. He is also a seasoned financial services trainer, a role that has taken him around the nation leading workshops. He combines this dual expertise to deliver a methodology that cuts through technical jargon and straight to the heart of collectors.

Mike has shared this expertise with organizations including the Donkey Mill Art Center, the Museum of Art and History, Los Angeles Center for Photography and the Society of North American Goldsmiths as well as leading artists and galleries. A longtime supporter of the arts community, Mike volunteers his expertise at museums and art organizations around the country.

When not coaching and leading workshops, Mike’s passion is Mountains and Oceans and bringing life into his ‘72 VW Bug and his ‘74 pickup.


"It is not uncommon for creative people to have difficulty talking about themselves and their work effectively. I guide people to discover the root of their story and coach them to craft creative and compelling presentations.”

Mike O'Connor, Storytelling Coach



The Creative Spirits Podcast:

“How you as an artist can tell your story in a compelling manner with Mike O’Connor.”


Mike O’Connor at the Moth StorySlam