What Clients Are Saying

Mike has a track record of helping artists and gallery owners use storytelling to connect with customers. But don’t take his word for it; hear what his clients have to say about the Fine Art of Storytelling.

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“As museum professionals, we’re responsible for maintaining and being a steward of our story. Mike holds great value for the Kipaipai workshop in helping these artists get to that place where they can effectively use their story as a tool.”

Andi Campognone, Museum Manager/Curator at the Museum of Art and History


“I delivered the work to [my new customer], we installed it in her house, and then she sent me a message saying, 'Here they are installed; I love them. Thank you for being so honest and open and sharing your story with me. I feel that now I understand the work so much better and am putting my own stories into them, too.' I credit Mike for helping me understand how to share that story so that the viewer can then connect to the work in a deeper way.”

Jane Szabo, Artist


“In public speaking, I normally look for role models, people who do it well, and try to emulate what they do. What I never had before was a set of guidelines, something specific to aim for. Now [storytelling] has become a tool.”

Samuelle Richardson, Artist

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“When I was asked to be part of a panel for a museum talk, I was absolutely petrified, so I called Mike. He was so reassuring about how this is connecting to people with your story, how you don’t have to have this script memorized and rehearsed. This is really about what your path has been and relating it to your work, and then sharing it with people. I really felt this was coming from someone who is a born storyteller.”

Monica Wyatt, Artist


“For 20 years, I've been showing and actually have been talking about my work to people in galleries and a gallery setting. I think I mostly used to talk about how or what rather than the why. I had an immediate connection with Mike's ideas and his focus. “

Stevie Love, Artist


“We all inherently know the importance of storytelling and how it can help us. But Mike was able to distill that into a really relevant message for me as an artist. That tool will help me to talk more in the future about what I do and hopefully convey that in a better way, and through that make better connections that will allow my art to be seen by more people.”

Dani Dodge, Artist