You’ve mastered your medium.
But have you mastered the art of presenting?
Mike’s immersive, hands-on programs guides you, the artist, to use the power of your story in order to compel your listener to feel about your work the same as you do.
Free Presentation Session:
Join me and other artists for this No Cost/Obligation session where you will present your work and story to other artists (2) as well as comment on their presentations. These sessions have always been a confidence builder for artists. Your work deserves your finest presentation, get started on it during one of these sessions.
Most popular formats:
Whether in a group setting for added peer feedback or one on one with Mike for private consulting — Contact Mike for one of his specialized, in-person trainings to fit your needs. Learn more
Ideal for Artists’ groups, organizations, Galleries, Museums, Sales Teams and Arts Foundations. In addition to private workshops, Mike is also a long-time mentor for Kipaipai Artist Workshops. Learn more.
Mike is also available to address your group for an entertaining Keynote presentation. Learn more
Interested in a free consultation?
“When I was asked to be part of a panel for a museum talk, I was absolutely petrified, so I called Mike. He was so reassuring about how this is connecting to people with your story, how you don’t have to have this script memorized and rehearsed. This is really about what your path has been and relating it to your work, and then sharing it with people. I really felt this was coming from someone who is a born storyteller.”